Here you'll find out what we're thinking and doing to support the arts, share learning across the health and social care sector and act on the climate crisis.

plastic waste in water with text Single use is no use. #ChooseToReuse


13 Jan 2023
Justin Brown

Following the Margate Bookie Young Producers pilot project, which brought together young creatives to plan, produce, fund and execute literature events, we’re supporting a new Margate Bookie programme to introduce young people to publishing.

22 Dec 2022
Jessica Rose

2022 was an eventful year for Co-relate and we want to take an opportunity to reflect on, and celebrate, what's we achieved in 2022 with our thanks to all of you. Here are 7 things we're proud of and a big thanks from us.

21 Dec 2022
Justin Brown


As a freelancer for the past six months, I’ve been rattling around in my attempt to gain an understanding of how it all works and get clients to sign me up for their social media, content and marketing roles. After a few ups and downs and some great opportunities to build my portfolio, I’m starting to create myself a small corner in the world of freelancing.


16 Dec 2022
Content Editor

Guest post by Becky Wing, Plastic Free Thanet Lead for Ramsgate

Addington Street in Ramsgate is fast becoming a unique independent shopping, food and drink as well as creative centre that adds to the main offer in town.

15 Dec 2022
Simon Cole

Ever felt helpless? Ever wondered if your cash donations to causes like the war in Ukraine get through? Me too. But I've found a solution - and you can be part of it.


We’ve all felt some of the repercussions from the war in Ukraine at the moment, and there has been a herculean humanitarian effort from charities and organisations responding to the conflict. I was already doing some volunteering with refugees in London when I went to the Poland-Ukraine border. I wanted to lend a hand but also do some fact finding; I wanted to see things for myself and if I could be of use.