Here you'll find out what we're thinking and doing to support the arts, share learning across the health and social care sector and act on the climate crisis.

plastic waste in water with text Single use is no use. #ChooseToReuse


5 Jan 2024
Content Editor

At the start of 2024 we wanted to look back on our achievements and learning from 2023 and say a huge thanks to all our clients, collaborators, staff and freelancers.

2023 was about understanding what we have to offer as an agency and social enterprise, securing funding for key social and environmental projects and building our commercial client base to enable us to have a greater impact in Margate and on the issues we work on. This year will be about continuing that journey and delivering on some ambitious projects.

Co-relate team at work
30 Nov 2023
Cheri Allcock

First Fridays relaunched at Marine Studios on Friday 3 November with Return of the Robots, centred on the work of theatre maker Robert Poulter and the ongoing graphic novel, illustrated and written by Richard Houghton. Join us on Friday 1 December for Journeys with Travis Elborough.

First Friday Margate
27 Nov 2023
Kat Lewis

Co-relate has joined forces with Kent Poetry and HKD to launch the first dedicated hub of studio space for writers in Margate. With funding from Arts Council England, the Writers’ Room brings together writers and members of the wider creative community, providing much-needed subsidised workspace and peer support for anyone working with words. We want to support the local literary ecosystem to grow alongside Margate’s vibrant art scene.


16 Nov 2023
Jessica Rose

“I have a confession to make,” I recently told audience members at the Social Enterprise Kent annual conference at Turner Contemporary in Margate, “this isn't my first social enterprise.”

My first social enterprise was a social success and a financial failure. After seven years of enabling people facing severe barriers to work to move towards creative careers, in 2016 we were staring into the abyss of bankruptcy.

Jessica Rose
1 Oct 2023
Jessica Rose

What happens if you take time to stop and listen – really listen – to nature near you? That's what I asked people living near Poole, Dorset to do in two pilot Ear to the Waves workshops supported by Artful Scribe and Southampton Univerisity. Adults and young people 11 years and upwards were invited to join me to explore the Hamworthy coastline and respond creatively in written or spoken word.

Ear to the Waves eflyer