The Right Climate for Business: Leading a Just Transition

The Right Climate for Business: Leading a Just Transition

Are you leading a just transition?
16 Feb 2022

Since October I've been back working part-time with Business in the Community (BITC) as part of their Environment team, leading the work on how business can be part of a just transition to a net-zero, resilient future. 

This started with our work at COP26, bringing business leaders together to share 26 stories of climate action already taking place. We published Business in the Community's Seven Steps for Climate Action and a practical toolkit to help businesses get started. Business events can be pretty dry, so I was very excited when I was asked to help with commissioning a Glasgow-based poet to bring the climate crisis and the role for business to life. Ellen Renton's performance of her poem, Enough, at our business leaders event is still talked about as one of the highlights for those in attendance.

I was privileged to lead on producing our report, The Right Climate for Business: Leading a Just Transition, which included contributions from young climate ambassador Emer Rafferty, CIPD chief executive Peter Cheese and the Eden Project's Executive Director of Outreach and Development Peter Stewart. To support the report launch in January we commissioned a short video for social media, challenging businesses to make their response to the climate emergency our society's greatest achievement. I genuinely believe it's possible.

This year, and for several years to come, my focus for all my work - be it with Business in the Community, Co-relate or my creative writing - is the climate crisis and how communities, business and government can turn it around. 

I'd love to hear what you're doing in this area and if you have any projects I can support or get involved with that do this, please email me:

The Right Climate For Business: leading a just transition

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