Achievements and impact of Margate Bookie Young Producers
Achievements and impact of Margate Bookie Young Producers

One of the things we're big on here at Co-relate is evaluating our impact. For us, this means understanding what we achieved, what we did well and what we could have done better. It means talking to the people involved in a project and learning lessons for next time.
The Margate Bookie Young Producers pilot project, in partnership with Margate Bookie and funded by Arts Council England, was Co-relate's first funded project since we became a social enteprise in June last year.
We're incredibly grateful to the Margate Bookie Young Producers, not only for putting on three amazing events last year, but for fully engaging in every part of the process from ideas generation to evaluation. This was their project. With our support they came up with the ideas, did the budgeting, put in the funding bid, created all the marketing and ran the events.
They've told us they learnt a lot - but we learnt a lot too.
Read our evaluation report, beautifully designed by young producer Louise Devismes, to find out about the aims, achievements and outcomes of the project.
If you have an idea for a community project you'd like us to support, or you'd like us to run a co-creation project on your organisation's behalf, please get in touch with Jess: or 078 9145 8717.
Oh, and if you need help with evaluating your project, we can help with that too!